Tips to impress your In-laws
Almost all the girls think that they do not wish to get married, firstly because that they don’t wish to leave their parents and secondly that they don’t know as to how they will settle with the new family, the other half and overall into the new family. There are various changes from where she lived and to where she has to live and spend the rest of her life. It really does matter to her as to how will the things work and how will she be able to be up to the expectations of the people at the new place, also that she has to be the best of all at most of the times.
The imprint of maintaining oneself because she is a girl:
Since childhood, the girls are being taught to have the feminine qualities and maintain that aura and essence of the girl and that a female is expected rather is supposed to be in or have. Almost at every step of the life, she is being realized that she is a girl and that she will have to leave her house and get settled somewhere else where she is the one who has to adjust to the new norms and lifestyle.
The orthodox nature or mindsets:
With change in time and mindsets, there a couple of advanced in-laws who are equally understanding and loving as one’s parents but still their exist the orthodox ones. The moment you meet them, at the very moment you need to prove how good you are. In case you are not appealing at the first look, there are likely chances of rejection. If a girl can’t cook, if she can’t do the other household works, or that she is a stringent over worker, she might not be easily accepted in the orthodox families or somewhere where the ladies are resorted to household works.
Changing times and that woman stand for herself:
Years ago, and even till today, the first meet is always as to look how the girl and guy are doing in their lives. Girl is looked in the terms of the household works and the guy, in terms of the money that he brings in the house. Fortunately, the times are changing and that the women do stand for their own self-respect and do not just wish to sit home and do the household work and rather move out in the field and make her place in the market.
Moving towards a change, adjust and loving unconditionally
All in all, you need to make sure as to where you are standing and always have that quality of understanding and adjusting such that you will be able to gel well with people. Not only the girl, but even the guy, as a son-in-law has to have the same qualities and responsibility of being an ideal one. When you accept the others as yours, you automatically adjust with their feelings, their nature and tend to be in the happy cocoon, with everyone together. Keeping your wishes and desires as a part of the happiness of the others and equally sharing their priorities is what is supposed to do.